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文章来源:未知    时间:2018-08-14 14:15:46




Shenyang guideway has played a great role in our lives. I believe that after the introduction of Shenyang guideway, we can have a deeper understanding of the troubleshooting of Shenyang guideway.

Industrial guideways are mostly made of steel or cast iron. In the long-term use of Shenyang guideways, there are different degrees of friction between the two contact surfaces, which will cause different degrees of scratches and strains on the surface of the guideways, seriously affecting the machining accuracy and production efficiency of the equipment. Traditional repair methods usually use metal plate insertion or replacement, but it needs a large number of precise manufacturing and manual scraping and grinding, repair requires many processes, long construction period. The problem of scratching and pulling of machine tool guide can be solved by polymer composite material. Because of its excellent adhesion, compressive strength, oil resistance and wear resistance, the material can provide a long-term protective layer for components. It takes only a few hours to repair the scratched part of the guideway and put it into operation, which is simpler and cheaper than traditional methods.

Today's introduction is over, we still have the problem of troubleshooting Shenyang guideway, we will continue next time.

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